Thursday, October 4, 2012

And the House is Ours

The sellers accepted our offer, and the house is ours.  Of course there's all kinds of things between now and closing that have to go just right like the inspection and financing, but I'm sure it'll all go fine!!!  We'll be closing November 16.

Now, on to Ryter because I haven't talked about him much since we started the house hunt.  He is adorable!  Still busy and running everywhere, but adorable!  He's started talking on the phone.  It all started when he had my mom's phone while we were in Wal-Mart and just started talking on it.  Then everything became a phone.  He uses rocks as phones, his lunch, his shoes...while they're still on his feet.  I die every time.  It never gets old!  He's also totally understanding most everything I say.  He takes things to the trash, he looks in the direction I tell him to.  He's still not getting that pesky word No, but I think that's more selective than anything.

rock as phone

He's probably about 28 pounds now and starting to look like a little boy. I really noticed it yesterday for some reason.  He'll be 15 months on October 14 and will have another appointment with the doctor on the 15th where we'll find out just how much he weighs.  I think it's probably more like 50 instead of 28...this baby is not a baby anymore!

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