Sunday, April 14, 2013

Scarlet Fever

Ryter came down with his very first sickness in his entire life this week.  So, for his first illness why go with something simple like a cold...too 'bout some Scarlet Fever to make it interesting?  He started with a rash last Monday that continued until Wednesday when I took him to the doctor.  She didn't seem concerned, but of course Vain and I were a little nervous.  It's apparently no biggie these days even though people in the 1950's were quarantined for weeks because of it.

We found a new pediatrician out of the deal too.  She's right up the street within walking distance which is pretty cool.  We really like her.  Our other pediatrician who I really like (because he's a D.O. and being hot doesn't hurt)  is just too far for these kind of last minute appointments.  He's in Germantown and it takes about an hour to get there.  It's just silly.

So, poor sicky has been watching a lot of Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and Thomas.  He had a fever for the first couple of days after he started his medicine, but that seems to have gone away now.  He's just a little low at times and doesn't have a great appetite, but otherwise is his crazy busy self.  Hopefully this will all be in the past by next Friday!

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