Saturday, January 15, 2011

15 Weeks

Well, here I am already at 15 weeks. Nothing much has changed, except for that belly. Woah, what a difference a week makes! Saw some friends last night that I haven't seen since I got pregnant and it was fun to have the belly reaction. Most of my friends and family I either haven't seen at all; or see everyday and so the changes aren't really obvious to them. I suppose now is about the time that the pregnancy comments start from strangers at the grocery store too since it's clear now that I'm pregnant and not just fat. I've heard interesting stories from friends about who approached them and in the strangest places. I'm excited for some humor from strange people who think my belly is their business. Of course, as time goes by it may seem less humorous.

This weekend is saved for crib shopping, taking down the Christmas decorations, and most importantly the Packers!


  1. You look beautiful my girl!!!! your photog seems to have improved since last week....cant wait to see you guys in person and give my "bunny" a hug in person!! Love Bunch

  2. Where's my 16 week picture? Don't make me drive down there;)
