Friday, March 16, 2012

8 Months Old

Ryter turned 8 months on Wednesday.  He's just getting so big.  This evening he kept saying "key" over and over again.  I've decided that he was saying monkey since for some reason we were all over the monkeys the past few days.  With a few hand-me-down plushie monkeys from friends, the sing language dvd, and me always calling him a monkey because he climbs everything I figure it's his unofficial first word.

Vain and I also decided yesterday that he might be a rock climber (or a monkey) when he grows up because he was doing pull-ups on the dresser drawer handles swinging from one to the other.  Pull-ups you ask...yup...full on pull-ups with his feet off the ground.  Vain's mom said he climbed everything as a child so it's really just more confirmation that Ryter is 100% Vain.

I never thought I'd have to child proof my house, but we've got the outlet covers going in full force and slowly but surely the glass shelves are being removed from the entertainment center.  Like I said, he does pull-ups which doesn't necessarily mix with glass shelving.

New food tonight: ground beef.  He loved it!

Monkey Butt
And finally, my Extraordinary son.  A couple of weeks ago when Vain's mom and I were shopping I sent my mom a photo of Ryter enjoying his ride in the stroller.  As a joke my mom said to send her a photo when he was doing something extraordinary.  I responded by simply stating that he was spending the day at the outlet mall with two girls.  How much more extraordinary can you get?  So anyway mom, I'll do you one better.  Here's a video of your grandson acting extra extraordinary.  It's a little long, but somewhere around 4 minutes is his finest moment!


  1. Love the video! And the monkey butt is really cute :)

  2. well of course its extra ordinary!!! i think he likes the orange tray more than he likes the food on it! of course he doesnt like it when theres non left!! unbelievable how much he's changed since feb!!!! he'll be walking soon for sure!

    sending lots of hugs and kisses till i can get back!
