Sunday, March 11, 2012

A Month of Visitors

Well, we're getting back to normal here after Vain's parents left.  They were here for about 12 days and it was so nice to see them!  Ryter so much enjoyed playing with Baba (grandma) and Diedukas (grandpa) and I have to admit that passing him around between two other sets of hands was a much enjoyed break.  They did so much work around the yard.  It was really amazing and our yard looks so beautiful! THANK YOU!!  I'm going to post photos in a different post because I have to find some before and afters!

We've had visitors for almost a month so I forgot what Ryter and I used to do by our selves.  He's changed so much since the last time I was alone with him.  He is now absolutely wild!  I thought he moved a lot before, but now it just never stops.  Diaper changes are usually done while he's crawling away.  I've gotten pretty good at attaching a diaper from all different angles.  Baths are a no-go right now.  He climbs out of the bumbo chair even with the tray attachment and he refuses to sit in the tub so he's constantly climbing up my arm.  We've graduated to the shower instead and that seems to be working pretty well...for now.

So many things seems to be happening so quickly and I feel like I need to write about everything.  We started using sign language and Ryter is recognizing some of the signs, but not using any yet.  It's fun though and really interesting to see him respond to them!  We've been going outside a lot now that it's getting warm.  It was February here and Ryter didn't have any clothes on.  He loved it!  He really hates wearing clothes :)

We got a swing and Ryter loves it!  It's been raining since Thursday and we're pretty much dying to get outside again!

And, finally the most exciting thing is that he has gone from crawling to nearly walking over the past month.  He started crawling on February 9 and a month later now he's attempting to make the transfer from one piece of furniture to another and has pretty good balance.  I was standing him up and letting go of him the other night and he was balancing...only for a second...but he was doing it :)  He'll be 8 months on Wednesday. It shouldn't be long now!

We also celebrated Vain's birthday last Wednesday.  Happy Birthday Vain!

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