Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ryter is 1!

Whew, what a crazy week!  Vain finally made it to Wisconsin on Monday night at about midnight after driving for about 26 hours with only a couple of hours of sleep.  The truck packing took much longer than anticipated, but he made it.  We took the day on Tuesday to figure out what to do with everything. We ultimately decided to gather the troops and unload on Tuesday night.  Kelly watched Ryter who cried for almost 45 minutes before going to sleep which he never does (that's what all parents tell the baby sitter :) and Paul, Sandy, Matt, Michael, Mom, Dad, Vain, and I unloaded.  It took us 2 hours so I can't even imagine how long it would have taken the two guys I was planning on hiring. After that we headed for Mexican and the much needed very strong margaritas.


So, since the move we've been in total disorder, but things are getting better.  The best part is that Ryter fell right in line with everything and slept in the pack-n-play like a champ while we waited to uncover all of the pieces of the crib.  His sleeping habits were not interrupted which has made everything easier. He's a curious little guy and there are so many new things for him to discover including the steps which he can go up very easily, but coming down is another story.

 He had his first birthday on Saturday and we had a little party to celebrate.  I think he had a good time playing with the kids.  He steals sippy cups and stuff so I guess we're working on manners next.  The birthday cake was interesting because he wasn't too fond of the stickyness on his fingers, oh but he did love the taste.  His tongue was blue afterward.

Yesterday was the dreaded immunizations and blood draw day.  All normal, but still stressful.  He's 91% in height and 63% in weight. We also liked our new doctor, he's a keeper!

The craziness continues as we work on registering vehicles, opening bank accounts, changing addresses, finding jobs, and taking our trip to Iowa next week.

Let's Dance!


  1. I love the dancing! His legs are so long! wow! It was nice meeting Ryter the other day. He's so cute!

  2. So happy everything is settling down and falling into place:) Still can't believe you're actually staying here...I got so used to the tearful goodbyes. But no more...woohoo!!
