Monday, July 11, 2011

41 Weeks

Well, Friday was the beginning of week 41 and here I am...still pregnant.  I know people say that the first ones are always late, but really... 

Today is also our 2nd anniversary-Happy Anniversary babe-and my first day of maternity leave but I don't really have anything to do so I figure I should work.  Might as well right?

The update on induction is that I'm going in Friday July 15 to have the baby if he/she doesn't arrive before then.  Lets hope that it happens on its own because I really don't want to go through the induction.  I've heard mixed reviews and I just really don't want to have to force the baby out if it can come on its own.

One of my friends did bring to my attention that Friday is the Full Buck Moon so that could be cool if we have a boy.  Maybe we could name him Buck Moon Naslenas.  There must be a Lithuanian translation of Buck.


  1. Happy Anniversary you two!!! A few hours left to go till midnight...could still happen..I know you don't really want to share your special day but that kind of a gift doesn't come along every day!!! Love from mom and dad (aka Bunch and Grandad)

  2. Lindsay- I have been following your blog. Your mom stopped in at the place I work today - Kirkland's - and the first thing I asked her after we hugged was did Lindsay have the baby? She filled me in and I hope you have the baby before Friday. Keeping you in my thoughts and waiting to hear the great news.
